This video let us understand how the sciencie dramatically changed its point of view about the universe in what we will describe as a "scientific revolution". Here you have the sentences to write a brief composition discribing this histórical process. Put it in a correct order and built your story. Go ahead!
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A model of the universe in which the stationary
earth lies in the center and all the other celestial objects orbit it.
Geocentric Model
Earth centered model
Uranus and Neptune had not been
yet discovered
Geocentric Model
Earth centered model
They both tried to solve the remained problems from
Heliocentric mode
Johannes Kepler
Isaac Newton
The earth is not spinning, not
moving at all.
Geocentric Model
Earth centered model
A smaller orbit around a bigger orbit
Conception of the universe
accepted for more than a thousand years
Geocentric Model
Earth centered model
Planets move around sun in oval paths instead circular paths
Heliocentric model
Sun-centered model
This model has been proved true by modern technologhy
Heliocentric model
Sun-centered model
Observation about how the planets,
stars, moon and sun moving together across the sky each day
Apparent daily motion
This model was quite controversial, it suggested that earth was not
perfect neither special at all
Heliocentric model
Sun-centered model
The earth is considered a perfect
sphere created by God
Geocentric Model
Earth centered model
This model is the one that better predict our observations about were
exactly a planet would be on a given
date at a given time
Heliocentric model
Sun-centered model
Formulated a Heliocentric theory
for the very first time
A model of the universe in which the sun lies in the center and other celestial
objects, including the earth.
Heliocentric model
Sun-centered model
The earth is moving in two ways, it is moving around the sun and it
rotates on an axis.
Heliocentric model
Sun-centered model
Planets speed up when closer to
the sun due to the pull of gravity
Isaac Newton
2500 years ago they Formulated a
model about universe based in his observation about apparent daily motion.
The speed with which the planets
move around the sun changes, faster if
they are closer the sun, more slowly
if they are further away.
Johannes Kepler
This model is consistent with the
apparent star motion we can daily observer
Geocentric Model
Earth centered model
Proposed the earth-centered
model around 100 A.D.
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